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Our School Day

Our gates will open daily at 8.40am where Mrs Bamforth will be on the playground to welcome to the children and speak to any parents on any number of issues. Mrs Bamforth will be able to pass on any messages to the teachers, as they will be in their classrooms, ready to receive the children. Doors then open at 8.40am and shut promptly at 8.45am. If your child arrives after this time, they will need to go through the office and be marked in late in the registers. 


All children will have early morning tasks to complete as registration is taken. Teachers will always bring the children out at the end of the day, so this is an ideal time to speak with them should you need to, although of course if you need to speak to them more urgently, please leave a message with Mrs Bamforth or call the office and where possible, the teachers will call you during the day. 

School Day
School Day

The structure of the rest of the day is as follows:




Time into school: 8.45am

Lunchtime: 11.45am

Afternoon session begins: 12.30pm

Home time: 3.10pm


By nature, EYFS is continuous provision therefore separate ‘playtime’ is not appropriate. 

Key Stage One


Time into school: 8.40-8.45am

Playtime: 10.30am – 10.45am

Lunchtime: 12.00pm – 12.45pm

Afternoon playtime: As determined by the teacher as fits in a natural break in the lessons

Home time: 3.10pm



Key Stage Two


Time into school: 8.40-8.45am

Playtime: 10.45am – 11.00am

Lunchtime: 12.15pm – 1.00pm

Home time: 3.15pm


Key Stage Two do not have an afternoon play time, although they do all complete a Daily Mile on our fabulous running track. 


If you are running late at the end of the day, or usual collection arrangements change, please telephone the office to let us know, this can then avoid any confusion or upset. 

In addition to these usual routines, we have an act of collective worship every day. These vary day to day and can be whole school assemblies, key stage assemblies or Celebration Assemblies. If you child is to receive a certificate in a celebration assembly, you will receive a text message/email/Dojo message to let you know and you would be most welcome to join us. 

© Copyright 2019

Ripponden Junior and Infant School

Tel: 01422 823362

Fax: 01422 825154


Headteacher: Lorraine Bamforth

Halifax Road, Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire HX6 4AH

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